This weekend I decided I wanted to watch the sunrise at the blue mountains.. most of the summer id been avoiding going to the Blue Mountains because it gets pretty cold up there.... now that summer was over and we're almost past autumn.. I fihfiguefigured id have to suck it up and go now or wait till next summer...
I booked accommodation on friday so the next morning I had no choice to go... but the procrastinator in me just couldnt gwt off her ass out of the bed... so I spent the morning doodling.. and chatting to friends... by 2pm I had told at least 10 people I was going to the blue mountaismountains.. so now it became a matter of eating my own words so I had to get ready and go..
The drive was wonderful... but the sun was shining straight in my eyes on the whole was... I reached Katoomba at about 4.45.. the sunset was at 5.02pm. So I rushed in the hostel and asked what was the best place to watch the sunset.. she pointed me to a direction which I couldnt figure on the map.. damn my direction dyslexia! So I picked the safer bet and drove down to the three sisters. The sunset wasnt really visible at that time.. because from that point it was already past.. but it was beautiful nonetheless.

The next morning I got ready to go and xheck3d out about 20 minutes begore the sunrise.. I thought that would give me plenty of time to drive there and set my tripod up... but I was wrong for two reasons:
1. My car was covered in FROST!!
2. By the time I got the frost off the windows and fot there, all the good spots were taken by keener photographers!
Oh well... I did get a few shots.. and my camera acted up again (so need a new one!). The scenery was heavenly! We were well above the clouds! The mountains looked like floating islands of green lands from some utopian futuristic alien planet like in Avatar!
I had to drive back early and couldn't wait for the sun to get up higher till it came over the horizon. I had signed up for a yoga instructor training where you pledge to provide free yoga training to people and spread the 'real' yoga as used by the ancient Indian sages around the world. The whole way back the sun was shining in my eyes again.. but the drive this time was on the scenic road and more winding and fun!