Most times I don't really plan my random visits and this time it wasn't any different... I saw Cronulla on google maps and decided to go to it because there was a direct train going to it. When I checked it out on wiki (which I normally don't do), I saw Kurnell as a nearer cooler place to go to and had a bit of a historical back ground to it too so it was an instant pick as the destination of the week. Turned out that luckily there was public transport arrangements to Kurnell too... so figured that's where the pin had landed and that was where Coco and I were going.
As I got there it was raining and it was biting cold... definitely way less than 20degrees... but hey there was no way I could complain as soon as I saw the first rocky pier thingy there... There's only one thing to do when you see one of these... climb over the super terrifying rocks all the way to the end.. and I did just that... it was.. well.. Heaven!! and then saw another pier where a black lab was sportying his long jumps onto.. well.. I wasn't going to let a puppy beat me.. so I went there too... I took a few selfies there.. but got this giant stalker pelican in the shot too:

There isn't much to see in terms of scenic beauty at Kurnell in my opinion because its all marred by these giant oil or something rigs that I did take photos of... but.. as luck would have it, my camera's card decided to tell me it was corrupt after we got back from teh Kurnell trip. Didn't matter much because I didn't like the photos much anyway.. Besides it was so cold I was reluctant to have the camera out and take any photos too..
Well.. since there isn't much to see.. in about an hour an half or so after climbing on a 3 or so rocky piers (where I was still stalked by that scary mean Pelican) I was done and wanted to return back to the city.. so I made my way to the bus stop and realized this:

There are only two buses to Kurnell on Sundays.. a morning and a late evening bus! oh joy! it was 12:30pm and it looked like I was stuck there for an eternity!
Luckily I am participating in the GCC and thought heck if i walked back to Cronulla I"d really boost my step count up.. and I did.. and damn I gotta say that walk wasn't pleasant! It was terribly cold and it was mildly raining... The wind was so bad that at one point I literally had to stop walking lest I be blown backwards by the wind... no fcuking kidding! There were some plus sides to the 10km walk back though... I got beeped at a lot and given the Joey look by a couple of bikies .....annnnd... I saw a plant that looked like fennel that I grazed like a goat and was glad it was indeed fennel! lol
I did get these cool shells from the beach there that are proudly sitting on my desk:

When I walked back to Cronulla I walked to the beach and sat there for a while with Coco... we were both so glad to have made it to civilization and weren't stranded on the highway or splattered on the road like was-a-roo.. The Cronulla beach is very nice it has big beautiful waves and big dreamy mossy rocks on the beach... I cherish the photo of me and Coco there with a milky wave engulfing one of those mossy rocks in the background and both of us smiling dreamily (not posting it here though :p). I had a hot chocolate on the way back to the train station and a super sweet almond pastry (which put me off all almond pastries for..ever!). This will be one (mis)adventure I won't forget.. and I"ll always make sure that there isn't just a way TO to the place but is a way back 'from' the destination too... no one wants to be a giligan!
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