I love it when it rains because I feel this sad joy that is indescribable. Its like the rain washes the sadness from my soul.. but its there to remind me that I am sad in the first place.
I just love the fogged up windows of buses or trains when it is raining outside. This is the view from the company bus to the city at Huntley's point from the bridge. I think it was the most beautiful thing I'd seen all week:

I was quite upbeat about the knowledge transfer to the new guy because a wicked part of me knew how not-so-best suited this guy was for the role. I had interviewed him myself so I knew his ability. Just made me smile to myself more as I was trying to teach him the way I did things and saw from his body language that it was a clear bouncer over his head.
==== update 29/03/2015 =====
(I met up with the colleagues this Tuesday just for a quick cuppa and saw the exasperated dying-under-load look on his face confirming my initial assessment about his ability to take up the job.. I'm almost always right with my initial assessments.. call it judgmental.. or intuition ;)
I had to leave by lunch time as I couldn't get a later appointment from the doctor (not happy about losing half-day pay.. curse the life of a contractor! ..well.. it was going to be over soon anyway).
I got there earlier than I needed to so I took a detour at the Maq Park shopping center and got myself my fav. Boost smoothie and was strolling over to the clinic when I saw my dark knight on the pavement reminding me, YNWA.

The surgery was a terrible ordeal that has no place to be described on a travel blog so I"ll skip that part. But after it.. I didn't want to go home so I watched the movie 'The Seventh Son' in 3D which was awesome.. its funny the scar left on my forearm looks like a witch's initiatation. was the movie just a coincidence.. or synchronicity? ...lol
Google maps said that there was no way back to my house from there! I hadn't driven to there because I knew I was going to have a numb left hand and my sexy car has a shift stick. I could've gotten a taxi.. but I wanted to feel the comfort of having some human company even though its weird strangers.. so I opted for the train. It was a ridiculous loop around the world from Maq park to the city and then from the city to Lidcombe and then the usual connecting train to my place. I think I must've been on the train for over an hour.. I was lost in my thought.. plus the fact that it was raining was a great relief.
I got home.. looked at the numb hand and the dressing and just had to get outta the house... which I did.. and got myself chocolate and nuts icecream in a cone (I think they're called drumsticks here which is a disgusting name for icecream anything) for dinner.
The day ended with a pleasant surprise when a real superhero in his humanly alter ego, Clark Kent, decided to pay me a visit. That was the best part of the day.. heck the week.. no.. the year.. or actually my whole life!
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