The dressing came off Friday so my mood's been getting better and better to be finally be able to do things and not cradle one arm. While holed up and having nothing much to do but
I can't believe I"m turning this blog into my ranting outlets too.. It was meant to be a straight up log of some trip.. lol I guess I make up for the lack of being able to actually speak to human company with this brain-retching.
So without further ado, I went on a walk in the neighborhood. This is my path. I didn't intend on this being a good circuit, but just kept going wherever my feet and the road took me (I'm super directions challenged and to make it worse I know that the Olympic park roads are built in rings so I didn't even bother to gather my bearings. Luckyili my apartment can be seen from miles so I'd never really be truly lost.

They say you notice new things about those that you've known forever if you just open your eyes and look... and I did.. who'd have thunk that the uber-industrial, drab steel-grey colored buildings would house something colorful, girly and cute thing as this:

The Easter Show is on at the moment and as I got closer to my apartment things got bustlier and I saw this cabbie trying to park in a place.. and then move on to the next.. and then to the next.. I love to watch people to reverse parallel park (because I suck at it big time) And was intrigued by this guy's attempts.. it turns out a couple of people had parked like jerks.. so I had to facebook this photo with the caption '... and I thought I was the only one that parked like a jerk'.

I just crossed my daily quota of 10,000 steps as I neared my apartment after a long time (and did the customary victory hand-punch). The walk kind of helped me try and get out of my blues. I should continue doing my weekend escapades even though everyday is a holiday right now for me. That way I"ll at least keep up with the day of the week and dates on the calender.
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